Monday, November 22, 2010

Babies 2010

This weekend I watched a stunning documentary by French director Thomas Balmès, 'Babies'. I think one of the most beautiful things about this film is that there is no narration, no subtitles, nothing but images. Taking four babies from four different corners of the world: Namibia, Tokyo, Mongolia and San Fran, this film effectively shows the differences and similarities between life (not just baby life) in each location and culture, and it really makes you think. I love it when something as simple as images without words can make you think and break down the barriers of understanding foreign languages, it really is fascinating. Plus there are lots of cute moments in there, my particular favourite was when the little Mongolian chap was taking a bath and a stray goat came to take a sip of the water. Continuing with this theme, there are some amazing interactions between fearless babies (sometimes fearless naked babies if you're in Mongolia) and goats, cows, cats and sharp toothed dogs having their fur pulled, having baby fingers stuck in their mouths, and not biting back.  And if that's not enough, the Namibian baby has some intense dance moves going on too. Watch the trailer here.


  1. i watched that the other day on netflix and i was stunned! i wanted to squeeze those little babies! :) so so cute. and very eye-opening.

  2. hi! nice to hear from you. yes, it's such a great film isn't it, glad you enjoyed watching too!
